Thursday, April 28, 2005

"I've been waiting a long time......just hope that I might find.....the right kind of love for me"

Yea this title is the first line in one of the coolest songs by Amos Lee......gangsta stuff, hit me up if you want it!

But yea the line doesn't have a whole lot of hidden meaning. I'm not implying I need a love in my life now........but right now would be ok. I'm down to meet a chick....umm, woman.... tomorrow if thats the way the cookie crumbles! Haha just kidding. I have a love in my life, I dont know if you guys knew. Yea I've had such a serious it's more than a crush, I think I'm head over heels and they know for sure. It's no secret anymore......I love God. That sounded very cheesy as I wrote it, but Imma let it stay cause its the truth. YFC's theme this quarter is Love, and how appropriate when I'm feeling God's love so clearly. The issue of love has been on my mind a lot also as I consider my vocation in life. 2 of my bros are in the seminary right now and 1 more is looking to enter soon, and this makes more and more real to me the dedication love takes. Cause they are doing what we are all called to do, love God with all our hearts. But they also love the paths they are taking, and that's when I wonder about the insanely complicated and yet infinitely simple idea of love. Who will I love like my brothers love their future spouse, the Church? What girl is in my future? yea this is kinda early for me to say any of this, being 20 years old and all, but ya'll can't pretend like you never thought about it before. Who you would look good with.....etc ish like that. I also wonder how many girls will read this and think "could that be me?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yea riiiiiiight Joe. wutevs Im bein random.

YFC meeting was tonight, that was cool. A bunch of alumni and other peeps from other campuses rolled. It was good to see all them. Good activity/talk Abby! Good worship Dexter! And good looks Randell!! umm yea seriously tho, it was a good meeting, and I seriously felt Him there. After-event was awesome also...yea Tapioca Express!! Just chilled there wit the peeps and talked about random the rugrats song, which we couldnt figure out for a long time then Angie showed up and she knew it right away......props. Anyway, she was rolling with Kirs, Dee, GP and 3D, so that was tight to see them for a minute also. Other randomness included Jean's signature lookaway. it works like this: ask someone a question, or even better when they make a statement and you have no answer, simply look up and to the left without moving your head. its funny stuff. Avoiding eye contact and making an awkward silence....awesome.

Oh some other exciting news.....I am now an employee of the UCI bookstore. Yea I'm actually excited about it even though I didnt use one of these "!". Why did I waste a sentence explaining why I didnt use an exclamation mark? and another one asking that question? anyway I am takin in my soc security card to be photocopied tmr, and I start work sometime this week I think. they didnt say. but thats good......Im gonna use that money on all the things I cant afford!!! NIKE DUNKS! hahaha jk......I wont....or will I? stupid. But yea Im lookin forward to that cause I do need some extra cash right now....and if I make a good impression I will have a job next year, so yea good stuff, thanks be to God for getting me that.

I was thinking about not doing shoutouts but it seems like something to take up my time so I'll do it:
Alina: well done sherlock, well done. I'm sorry if you thought I was talkin trash about you.....I wasn't honestly. It was all in good fun, can you forgive me?
Jill: this is for leaving me the coolest comment ever " YOU ARE AWESOME, MY FRIEND!!!!!!!"
=D thanks yo, right back atcha!!!! And well led meeting!!!
Dexter: Awesome worship tonight bro!
Angie: that song recollection ability of yours is incredible......oh and you're just awesome anyway!
Katrina: you're such a trooper.....and props for your moxy.....hahaha moxy. Prayin for you...
Randell: I seriously do like your looks, but thats for another day....for now let me say Im goin swimmin this friday if you want a lesson in any particular stroke let me know...was that too gay?
Rica: your tagteam job with Jill was tiiiight. well done. Coffee anyone? 4-cheese pizza?
Franz: we havent thrown around any steel in like a long time. We should stretch out doing some ACTION SONGS!! awww yeeeeeaaaa.
Derrick: so thanks to you I now customize my own dunks online, am one of the only white people who knows what the "ocho ocho" song is (and get made fun of by my roommate for it), and act as gay as Christmas day more often than not.......note I said "act" keep that in mind. Anyway, thanks I guess?
Helvin: had to shoutout to you man. It was awesome seeing you tonight, havent been able to chill in a long time. Keep in touch bro.
Abby and Gen: awesome meeting tonight. And its always cool to see alums come back.
Ken, David "Steve", Tricia, and PJ: props for comin out to our meeting tonight guys. Thanks a bunch for the support.
GP: thanks for lettin me chill in your booth.......and you soooo owned Kirs today!!! Hahaha. Don't get so happy you start smackin babies or somethin.
Kirs: it's ok Kirs, we all lose sometimes, you're just all-state at it. So in a way you're the best at something! man Im jealous.

That's all I could think of at this time.......don't let me know if you weren't on the list cause I already covered the 2-3 people who actually read my blog.

I'm gonna leave you with this awesome quote from yours came from a late-night talk with Abby:
Abby: then you'll get all famous and forget us little people
Me: naw, the little people make the world
Me: famous people just live there

yea ok not nearly as cool sounding as when I said it but here's a better one from Sarah "Nixon":
"newborn=straight from God =D"
Awesome, PeAcE again and I love all of you........seriously.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tuesday Fun

It is said that when you're angry, the blood vessels start to swell in your face, causing a flushing reaction. Well ok I don't know who said that but thats the only reason I can think I'm so red these days. I have been pretty angry and bitter recently. And its always directed towards other people, not myself which is usually the case. My dad always said something that struck me as pretty profound, but like all profound things it's damn simple too, he would say "you have every right to be frustrated, but being angry is when you direct it at someone or something, and that is when you get in trouble" I dont know if thats a direct quote but thats about what he would say. I think its kind of true. On a daily basis I am frustrated with a situation I'm in, but recently this has just escalated into anger towards people. I get angry 'cause I think people don't appreciate how much I do for them. I get angry cause people make generalizations about me that I think don't speak to the core of who I am. I get angry 'cause I am not in control. All of the "I"s in this sentence make it very clear that I am putting myself before my neighbor and I don't think about their side or view before mine. To be fair, I feel really hurt by some of those people, but a lot of it has to do with how I respond to the opportunity to love unconditionally. I shouldn't become mad at people because I feel they dont appreciate me. since when was it my purpose to be appreciated? I shouldn't get angry with people who make generalizations, because I am making generalizations about them in formulating my thoughts about their conduct. I shouldn't get angry when I'm not in control because ultimately I will never be in control, God has that responsibility, I have just to respond to the tasks He gives me and to be a faithful servant. With His help and the prayers of all my brothers and sisters I can calm myself and serve better as a humble worker in His vineyard. thanks for those words Pope Benedict XVI.
Anyway, on a much MUCH lighter note, Mother Teresa's Family is inviting you to the Liwanag meeting tonight (thats weird to write at 1am). We have such a wonderful subtheme, I don't want to ruin it for you so you can come and experience it yourselves. I hate to be cryptic but I signed a confidentiality agreement......ok I didnt but Rica would kill me if I told anyone. No it will seriously be good, we have all kinds of goodies for you guys.........spiritual goodies that is! Hope to see you all out there!
So this past day was ok, just had my anthro class today and "worked" on my museum project. I say "worked" cause I didnt get much work done on it. But thats ok. I didnt have my 11am class since I dropped it, so that was nice. I hung around my apt till 6 when I went to Madrona to practice music for the meeting, and then came back home to work on the project more. I missed the YFC core meeting and Im sorry for that guys. I know you all hate me now. ;)
I talked to Kirs online for sooooo long today, mostly cause we were both hella bored and we started trading music so we were talkin trash when the other wasnt sending music. But yea that took up a lot of my time. Another thing that took up a lot of my time was customizing my own Dunks online. I know it sounds lame but since Jill told me about, I have been makin the flyest pairs of dunks ever. But yea that's a new addiction for me......not Dunks, just looking at them hahahaha I cant afford them right now. I do need new shoes tho, so I checked out the vendor fair on ring road today......they didnt have anything good. I am lookin at some es shoes that are PIMP!! I like em a lot and I will have them soon if I can find them in all white for pretty cheap. Anyways I need to end this randomness soon or I will bore you all to death. Hope you all will pray for me as I am praying for you. Remember that I am just a faithful servant of Christ to all of you so praying I can do.....and if you need anything more than that talk to me! :) Have a blessed Tuesday and I will see some of you tonight!!!!
PeAcE and God bless

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Party Hardy

so last night was "Steppin Out", or if you're 3d, "Comin Out" but that story's for another time. It was purdy damn fun. So many people gathered together to celebrate the lives of those beautiful individuals. I didn't know a bunch of those people but that was ok, they all knew Dave, Derrick, or Reg so they must be cool. Me and my crew rolled late like true filipinos......showin up at 9 for a party that starts at 6 is the way to be gangsta. Reminds me of a movie....."so the party started at 8? so why are we going to a bar at 10?" Haha I love that movie. Anyway, it was fine, the place was still poppin when we got there and I do appreciate the ride I got from you, Kirs. So there was lots of randomness to be had at that party, not the least of which was every man's attempt to touch the master himself, Brenton. we would just put our hand on his shoulder, then touch any girl with that hand, shake their hand, hug them, whatever, and there was a change! I kid you not that fool has metaphysical powers!! He will read this and be red with embarrassment, but it's all part of the package. "pretend that you're not hot" that's part of his mantra. As the night continued, funnier and funnier things started to happen. Erwin and I were doing some funny things that won't be mentioned here or anywhere else for that matter. But other people were doing funny things also; kirs and tim hitting each other was entertaining, Biencess and Jonas playin cards was funny simply 'cause Biencess would get all crazy cause she kept losing. Good times. We had a mini roast type thing for the 3 of them and funny stuff was said. If Dave had not made that white joke I wouldn't have pulled out the age card on him, but he asked for it. if you are in the dark, lets just say I brought up the fact that some of the things they were talking about, I was not alive at the time they took place. That's kind of misleading but it's still funny to think about. Anyway I'm just sitting here blogging when I should be working on school. I'm gonna miss going to noon mass today. I am going to the 630 b/c I have a family meeting at 730 and Im supposed to meet with some people today about a movie I'm doing. Oh for those of you who don't know, God blessed me with the opportunity to work on a feature-length film this qtr with a student from the film studies dept. and other drama majors. I'm really looking forward to it and it should be some good experience. Praise God. Hope all of you have a wonderful Sunday and I'll either talk to you soon, or see you.......preferably the latter! PeAcE my babies.....