Saturday, April 23, 2005

How's Your 4-Cheese Pizza?

So yea, these past few days have been insane......insanely funny that is. I haven't laughed so much in my life I think, but unfortunately at this unGodly hour, I won't remember nearly enough of them. Anyway, here goes

so thursday night I went to the LOG meeting for the end of the year banquet. That was cool, got some stuff figured out and delegated duties to committees, but I'm not committing to any one group right now cause I have UCC rally to organize. Don't worry I'll be helping! Anyways, after that Krystle, Kirsten, and myself went to Cha and got some boba and food and chilled for a long time. That was some awesome times. those girls are funny. we talked about everything, but it didnt get too girly, so dont worry guys I am not weakening at all. But yea we just hung out and talked about life, family, being close and far from home, bad roommates, good roommates, brothers' bad roommates etc. After that I walked them home and then crashed out. yea I know Im a nice guy for walking them home, you dont need to remind me. Haha jk, that was some serious fun guys.
So that was thurs night. friday was an ok day. I dropped my international studies class and that was a weight off my shoulders cause that class seemed pretty work intensive and difficult given my schedule. But after that I went to interfaith, got my confession on, and went to mass. There was a bunch of food left over from thursday's lunch so we gorged on that. Then I went to Anthro. There are lots of funny things that happened in that class, but I think it climaxed when everyone was clicking in response to the prof talking about some african tribe, and I unwittingly just said "ssttooopppppp!!!!" in the middle of lecture when people were clicking away. There was a moment of silence and then all the TAs started busting up and so did the prof, so I dont know if that was AT me or not, but it was funny either way. Then I went to V Dizzle Campo and got together with Jill and Rica to plan out our family meeting, which is this coming tuesday (be there!!) That was some good times also! We were so random and kinda giddy, I have no idea why, but it was funny stuff. Thats where my title comes from......thanks Rica. Anyway after drinking some of Rica's famous (/infamous?) coffee, and some egg custard pie (yea it's ok, not great, not terrible), we buckled down and did what we were there to do. Our meeting, with the help of the Holy Spirit, will be really good guys, I really want you all to come out to participate. Anyways, after that Rica went home, Jill drove me home (thanks!) and I just chilled around my apt like a bum for a while.

Now, earlier in the day Katrina had asked me if I wanted to see a movie, and I said "hellz yea, that movie The Interpreter looks really good!", but apparently by "a movie" she meant A Lot Like Love, some sappy Ashton Kutcher flick with Amanda Peet. Anyway after kinda gagging, I said prolly not. Well around 5:45pm, GP was my saving grace cause he invited me to an Angels game and I was relieved that I wouldnt get suckered into going to a movie I didnt want to see. So we left for that at 630; me, Meechy, Mel, GP, and Jay making up that partay. After doubling back on the freeway a couple times, and weaving around the bitch that is Anaheim stadium parking, we go to buy tickets and there are only 35 seats left, none of them under $27, and none even next to each other. As should be obvious, we quickly decided to not even waste our money, but rather scalped 2 tickets we had on will-call, and left that joint. its all good, that place was dead anyway. Well not really, seeing as it was sold out. but whatevs. We then decided to go eat at Banana Bay and started trekking up thataways. Long story short, we ate. it was good. really good times yet again. Oh I didnt mention that we met Dee and Dave and GP's lil sis at Banana Bay also, so that made the party a little bigger. Then we went to the Shank and watched part of Anchorman. I came home, chilled with the roommates and Kat for a bit, made them laugh at my new Filipino-ness, and some other good jokes, then now to blogging. While there are so many lil individual stories I could remember from this and last night, I won't bore you with events that you will inevitably say "guess you had to be there" to.
At thursday lunch Leo told me something he had heard that made me think....yea I know thats dangerous but hear me out. He read an old blog of mine saying that I was feeling really tired and so busy from working on church activities. He then told me something to the effect of "don't become so busy DOING THINGS for God that you have no time FOR God Himself" I know that isnt exact, but it's the gist of what he was saying, and it's so true. I need to understand that my willingness to help with everything should not impede my personal spiritual growth. Thanks for saying that man, cause I saw better how these past few days have been a blessing in that respect. While I am still surrounded by Christ-centered people, I have taken time away from most of the business of UCC just for a few days, and it worked wonders! I feel so relaxed.....but maybe that's cause I'm kinda tired right now. Anyway with that note I think it's appropriate to end with shoutouts.....mostly cause I told Kirsten I would, and cause they're cool.

Kirsten- goooooood times on thurs night!!! too bad Cha is so expensive otherwise it might have been enjoyable. lol jk, that was some fun stuff just listening/talking about anything and everything. cya tmr
Krystle- ditto...........HAHAHA just kidding, you get a unique shoutout. I must say Im overwhelmed that ur giving me so much credit for choosing "Waiting on an Angel" for your blog music, but I didnt even know what you were asking me for, so I cant take the credit. Oh and good times on thurs! ;)
Rica- can you not drink your coffee so slowly please? I feel like I am grossed out by my custard pie all alone while you take miniscule sips of your amazing coffee. Oh and hows that 4-cheese pizza?
Jill- Does your obsessive compulsive side hate me for messing up the alphabetical order of the shoutouts? HAHAHA just kidding!(wow am I ocd for noticing that???) No it was good hanging out with you, havent been able to do that in a long time. Underground hip-hop rules, and I will always go to your right......hahahahahaha ;)
Meechy- props for rolling with us! I know you came mostly b/c there was no one home with you, but still....that was cool you came
Jay- Where was your camera? I didnt see many foto ops, but still it's good to carry that thing around.....ok thats not a shoutout. here we go: King Noodles are damn good!
GP- you look...perfectly manly in a VW Beetle
Mel- would $50 have been too much to charge? NAAWWWWWW
Dave- stop cleaning your ears and listen to me! I said "confession"
Dee- you're not disorganized! I would have had them eat Ruffles with ranch dressing, and maybe some soda pop, albertson's brand. Good luck tomorrow makin it all happen for the 3 kings.
Michelle and Kat- 35 dauluhs!!!!!

This spot reserved for the 3 kings who's party is tmr:
3d- Man, you are a sexy beast. Umm, can I still come to your party? Naw happy Bday bro, and don't feel sad about getting older, you're always younger than those other 2 ur celebrating with! whooops......
Dave- I just gave you one, but Im too lazy to erase it now. Go do a killer job up in norcal man! well not literally, cause you're in the business of life and all, but....yea you know what I mean. Happy Birfday!!!
Reg- I was going to write something very profound and sentimental, but you prolly won't finish it 'cause you'll be crying. Thats ok, I dont even know if you read my blog, but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and may you be blessed with many more.

Thats all for now're all so money and you don't even know it!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Bonfire madness

So yea the YFC bonfire was tonight.......tiiiiiightness!!!
Yea it was really good, all kinds of people came out, even plenty of people I didn't know which was cool. I gotta say it wasn't pie to pull off and Mattman can attest to that. Those damn pallets were sooooo hard to break, but it was worth it cause that way we weren't throwing them at the wall like the Thai Club, hahaha. But yea I havent blogged in a while, but I feel especially bad since I didnt blog about the new pope!!! I was reminded by GP's blog counting the number of posts starting with Habemus Papam.....but yea, praise God we have a new pope, may he take the church in the direction God wishes it to move, because that's always the way we're supposed to put first.
But yea tonight was good stuff.....I suckered like 3 different girls into making me 4 hotdogs......I know, Im a jerk but it's not like I forced them, they are all just really nice people! ;) Then there were good ol' s' just thinkin bout 'em makes me hungry for more! I will diverge from the night to insert a little rant here. People were observing how I am passionate about not having the marshmallow burnt in a s'more. That's incorrect. I think the marshmallow should never, ever be burnt. period. This might sound trivial to all of you, but it disgusts me when people just hang their poker over the flame waiting for some spontaneous combustion to take place on that marshmallow. The thing is, if marshmallows were meant to be burned, why would they develop a layer of ash around them that is anything but good tasting? I dunno, Im not gonna dwell on it or people will think I'm obsessed, but just know that burning your marshmallows is nasty and shouldn't be done to those poor marshmallows.
So after s'mores we played some crazy game Helvin came up with at core meeting on Sunday. That was funny stuff. I wont even try to explain the game cause it was hard to teach in person. but suffice it to say there were some funny moments, like D-lish getting pegged in the head by lil Joyce!!! Hahaha wow that was hilarious.
After the game we had some laid back time in which I hung out wit LOG folk that came by. That was cool, but I'm getting less and less sure of my chances with a chick, hanging out with those guys.......people might not even think Im straight (which I totally am) if they see me around them. Its all good times playing jail break!! Thanks to those guys for coming out, good stuff.
That's when we started praise and worship which was, as usual, really good. What else can I say? singing our hearts out to the Lord on a windy beach around a fire.......not much better than that.
I wanna plug a new interest I have....volleyball!! I'm on an inter(tra?)mural team called "Team Bean" (dont ask me, I didnt make it up), but we had so much fun playing! Come out and support us!!! Tuesday nights at 1030!! But yea we won our first match and we were pretty confident we can do better next time, so hopefully we go a long way. Everybody did really well and the other team was cool to play. But yea, come on out!!!
I finally made it back to Liwanag this week!!!!! Man it was seriously like goin home, I love all you guys so much. I think it had been almost a month since goin!! We talked about things that have been burdens and crosses for us, and I want to say to anyone who has suffered from my obnoxious attitude, I am so so sorry. I have this defensive urge that rears its ugly head whenever it yea apologies for that. Another way I had a beautiful struggle these past few weeks.....being away from things I took for granted. Going back to LOG made me realize how much I had missed them, but being away with YFC made me realize how much I love them also, so when I did all this realizing I came to the realization that having 2 groups like these is the greatest blessing I could ever get in college......having the support of all those people and chillin with people who WANT to be close to God, not cause they've been told to, but cause they have the desire. Amazing.
I think this is an appropriate time for shoutouts. Some of these will be kinda old cause I havent blogged in a few days, but at least you get to be on my blog!! Ok so that's not so hot.......

Joyce!-You hit the mighty D-Lish in the head!!! hahaha
D-Lish-way to take it like a man, swearing to kill her solidified your manhood. Naw just playin, good times, and always fun chillin wit you
Matt- we are the greatest lumberjacks of all time......too bad we're too tired to make it a career.
Kristel Mae-you can't throw well and you burn your marshmallows, but you're cool to hang with. hahahaha
Katrina-watch out for birds! naw just playin, good seeing you tonight like always, and I swear girls are faster than guys! you know what Im talkin bout
Randeezy-I swear you are the funniest guy I know!! ok so I say that about every other person I meet, but for right now its true!!!!! Way to take down that old guy Mark Anthony!!
GP-you and I will need to get a hold of Kirs' camera and erase some pics. Thanks for comin out
Derrick-Thanks for comin man, hope you don't ever get a chance to throw stuff at me while Im running......cause damn you own jailbreak
Kirsten-why must you take pics of EVERY embarrassing thing I do? well whatever. oh and to answer your shoutout to me, a psycho white guy like me who was brought up on a "farm" jumps over fires like that!! Thanks for comin out!

Anyway, thats all for now kiddos, PeAcE and God Bless

Monday, April 18, 2005

"The only one talking now is my Alphabet Soup"

Damn, once I think I'm out of it, once I think I have some semblance of a break, I get pulled back into doing even more. I'm not complaining but man I need a break sometimes. I am of course referring to how I just finished YFC Praisefest, and right away I have to start working on the UCC Rally. For those of you who don't know anything about the UCC rally, you will soon because the clubs will be talking about it. Suffice it to say it is going to be a lot of work, but it will be for Him so it doesnt matter how much there is.
I have come to grips with the fact that I am the worst student ever. I have been putting everything before my school work, even blogging, and it's going to bite me in the butt one of these days. I am getting more done now that I don't have Pfest to worry about, but in a week or so I will have UCC to worry about so I need to get as much done this week and weekend as I can so I dont have to stress as much. I already am missing yfc's pre-con this weekend so I can get work done, I hope I dont have to miss out on everything.
One thing I'm excited about is playing volleyball. I suck at volleyball but a bunch of buddies have gotten an intermural team together and so that should be fun. everyone sounds way better than me but its ok, even the most competitive one on the team, Kristel Mae, said she's not too stressed about winning. I know she's lying but it was sweet of her to say so that I felt more welcome. As far as I know the team consists or Yours Truly, MattMan, Jean, Kristel Mae, Mark "D-lish", and thats all I know so far. Hopefully we have more b/c Im not that good at math but I know that the names I just mentioned only equals 5 people and we need 6. Anyway Im sure they'll figure that out, Im just a courtesy player anyway.
Anyway Im just chillin with GP being bored, having skipped my 11am class. Damn I shouldnt have cause thats gonna be a hard class. Too bad.
Alright I need to stop cause i have class soon, but it was fun to just type for a lil bit. Hope all of you are having a better start to your week than I am, or at least a more productive one. See you LOGers on Tuesday (finally) and I want to promote YFC's BONFIRE on Wednesday, this week. It will be fun, you should all go, everyone's doin it.