".....and in Your arms I will be...."
Hello everyone, I think this is the longest I've gone without posting since I started this blog thingy. But anyways my life has been kinda crazy recently what with Welcome Week starting in 3 days and Mass on the Plaza in 9 days!!!!!! Man. Single digits of working days now. And soooo much to do. But forget about me, this blog isnt about me. Wait....yea nm.
Some awesome things that have happened recently:
LOG Retreat: very relaxed and laid back which made the camping experience easier, and lots of fun events like truck bed rides, mafia games, and poo guys.
Talkin to Katrina yesterday: it had been like FOREVER....well for us at least cause we're online all the time usually but have both been busy so not much time to chat.
Lots of learning experiences recently: if there is one thing I could take from this MOTP experience, it would be that I have Him and my brothers and sisters to rely on. I have had several people say how it must take so much strenght to do this event...well if it does it's not mine cause I have been sooo weak lately and all I know is that the people who are makin it possible have been sent by Him I'm sure of it. I was talkin to Nancy about how she needs to chill a little and not worry if no one comes to the Ecumenical service today at Interfaith, cause it's not about numbers.....but what a hypocrite I am. If no one comes to MOTP I will cry. Like forreal, but now I realize what I told her is true, I need to focus on the celebration of the mass and everything else will fall into place. If I see it as a BBQ, it will have the success of a BBQ. If I see it as the ultimate sacrifice given to mankind by the offering of the Son of God's life on the Cross for our salvation, then it will have a success my eyes can't see but the souls of the participants will feel and be touched by His Holy Spirit. Amen to that, I pray the mass touches people.
A Public Service Announcement: My schedule is pretty much booked solid until Sept 25th, but around 8pm that evening, my schedule becomes empty so call me up if you wanna chill after that time on that day, but if it's before you might want to be willing to fold programs or do a job for me cause I will ask you shamelessly to help. Peace out everyone, and let me just say, it's good to be back