Thursday, July 05, 2007

Clap Your Hands

you guys ever sing that song as a kid?

"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"

And you just sing that over and over and over? Yea I remember that song. Especially now that I have songs stuck in my head again. I need to get all my music back. I'll figure it out. Today is my last day of work before a 3 day weekend. I need it. I enjoy my job and I get along with everyone, but when you work there so much and with the same people too much, you start to realize you hate them. Ok not hate them, but you need a break. THAT was an over-reaction. Alright this blog needs to be short cause I have to leave for work in 30 minutes, but I just wanted to try to keep this business updated more often, now that I have the means to. Hope everyone is doin ok and has a great weekend, 2 or 3 days. See some of you soon. Peaces!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Fun Times

Hey y'all, this is my second post in only 1 week. Craziness I tell you. I was motivated by the fact that I got a NEW COMPUTER!! Man, I've been hyping this more than some people have hyped their 21st Birthdays. Lol jk. Anyways, here are some pics from Warped tour, as well as some random ones. Im competing with brenton right now for Best Pics on a Blog. I don't know if its a real award but it should be. For those who didnt make it to warped tour, don't feel bad. You just missed like 6 or 7 good concerts for 45 bux. Nothing major. Anyways, it's late and I have to open tomorrow. Ill talk to you all later. Peaces

This is Meg and Dia of the band Meg & Dia (clever huh?) They're hot and talented. 'Nuff Said

These guys are some of the best performers ever. Hands down one of the best 5 song outside sets ever. Go Anberlin.

K-OS, holdin it down. This guy had sound problems at the end of his set and instead of wasting time trying to fix it, he stopped the band and freestyles about warped tour for us. It was dope to say the least.

My insanely good looking niece doing funny faces.

The two most insanely good looking relatives gracing the earth. She kept trying to grab the phone but she always calls people by accident.

There you have it. The mad skills of my personal camera. ie my phone. take care. k.i.r.