Thursday, October 19, 2006


Hey y'all! it's been like a long time since I updated this blog here. Sorry for being so MIA for so long but my computer is not doing so hot and we also went a few weeks without internet so it's taken me a while to get this done.

I hope you all are doing well with school or work or whatever you're doing. For those of you who don't know Im still just chillin in costa mesa trying to find a job. It's like the hardest thing Ive ever had to do. forreal. I wish that money wasnt so important but it is especially when you're paying for a place to live and for everything on your own. I think I will be a better person because of this struggle but I can't see it yet hahaha. I miss a lot of people. I miss being so close and being at like the hub of all the activity, Madrona. I miss hanging out with people on a daily basis and I think it's affecting certain people also. like for example, everyone has been taking fashion tips from meechy and bernabe I guess cause everyone got all freakin girly since I left the scene. Me and brenton used to run that show. What happened? What's that about? I mean girly clothes are cool but come on! hahaha jk jk.
I never got to formally thank everyone for helping us move, and I would like to take this opportunity to do so...THANKS!!! man o man, if we hadnt gotten your guys' help we would have literally died! like forreal! I remember distinctly I went to take a nap and when I woke up like 40 minutes later I was convulsing cause it had gotten really cold. CONVULSING! I thought that only happened in movies. I got scared but I was fine. man I could thank people on so many levels and it still wouldnt be enough. Speaking of moving and cleaning, I still have pelican bay's stuff. Ill bring it over tonight. I hope I remember.
I am wishing that I could see all of you guys again sooner than next Tues, and some of you I will this weekend for Homeless Outreach, but I mean in general I hope I start seeing more of you guys. If anyones in Costa Mesa hit me up, chances are Im just chillin. ok Peace, Love, and Prayers.
Joey Crack