Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To All My Friendly Laker Haters:

Eat shit kiddos!!!!

The team you want to lose just because your incompetent club couldn't even make it this far is coming back!! All those times you watched them and thought "I hate them, I don't want them to win" the one thing you forgot was that you were watching THEM instead of some shitty team you thought was going to be as good as them. It's ok, we all have our faults but yours happens to be embittering your life with ill will towards a team that will bend your team over and call Nancy.

For all my friends who cry "Foul!" and "Lucky!", I cry "Whiner!" and "Douchebag!" because Boston got the same shit both their wins. We don't call this I'm-a-pussy-that-can't-drive-ball, we call it BASKETBALL! So suck it up and watch as the best player in the game drives to the basket and silences you critics!

Oh and just to remind the haters...you are cheering for a team consisting of a guy who bangs his head against the end posts every game, an Inglewood native that also won a controversial academy award for his role in "I'm Not Really a Paraplegic", and an Alien! Come on, look at who you're supporting!

Fuck the critics, fuck the haters... we are one win closer to taking this and while it's not over, it's just barely beginning....just watch. You should like the Lakers because your mom does.

-Farewell Haters

C'mon C'mon

This song is the shit....and the intro song to Rescue Me, which by the transitive property is the shit also. Enjoy,