Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Real Quick

This will be an uncommonly short post for me, mostly cause it's nearly 4am and I'm in the middle of an all-nighter, but I just had the mos overwhelming feeling just now when I was praying for my paper to go over well hahaha. (Funny how simple things are exponentially more beautiful). Anyway, when I was praying I realized that God has blessed me with so many beautiful people and relationships that I wouldn't want to ever jeopardize for anything. This was also spurred by Jill's blog so yea I'm not being very original here but just let me gush for a minute about you guys.
Everyone in every group I know........UCC, and the other groups, as well as dorm buddies, home friends, and family. I haven't shown any of you enough love and respect. Let me make it up to you just a little bit by saying thanks for the bad times, good times, and all the times. just your presence is enough to drive me to my knees in thanksgiving to Him.
If I may share a lil anecdote I was telling someone the other day, I often like to think where I would be if I had made different decisions in life and I was musing about where I would be had I made different decisions about my spiritual life at UCI. I will be absolutely honest with you guys, it was the first time in my life I have been happy about the decision I made. I realized that the thing that brought me ultimately to all of you here at UCI was daily mass. If I hadn't gone to daily mass, I would not have been asked to serve in UCC, and never would have been introduced to all of the groups so thoroughly. I would only know some, if any of you guys. It makes me shudder to think that I might have been living a life without any one of you. And God had a plan for me, to lead me to His greater Body (you guys) through His real Body, the Eucharist. Anyway praise God for daily mass, it can seriously change your life! I am stopping cause I need to write a paper, but please know everyone that I think of you and love you with all my heart, and if I havent shown it, may I work extra hard in these trying times to reach out and offer a hand, a smile, a word to repay any offense. Fr. Pat told us in (guess where?) daily mass today that we should assign ourselves with titles and so I leave you with one of the many God has graced me with, but one that speaks to my core,
Your Unworthy Brother in Christ, Joseph


At 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

praise God! You have truly humbled and offered yourself to Him, something that is so difficult to practice in our daily lives. I AM BLESSED to have you in my life and to witness the fruits of your service, which is all done out of Love, out of Christ. i pray that you will continue to say YES and hold on tighter each day to the Hand that created both you and i and this awesome friendship built by faith.
with Love & prayers, jill


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