Sacrifice of His Love
So, Im chillin in my apartment on Good Friday morning and all I can think about right now is how much He gave for us. It sounds kinda cheesy when I say it to myself, and as I'm typing it, but it's the truth. Everything I gave up for lent is nothing but straw next to what was given on the cross. I heard from my sister that I'm probably going to have to ride the train, so I will be riding on that bad boy when 3pm rolls around. Man I could think of 100,000 places more conducive to a prayerful environment, but I guess a train will have to do. This is going to be a really short post cause I still havent packed and I'm leaving at 1, but I just wanted to give one shoutout today and that's to Him. yep that Jesus guy is pretty cool. Although it seems wierd to be giving him a "shoutout" for laying down His life for us, I think it's appropriate cause what else can I do but honor Him, Amen? Amen!!(with Leo/Angie hands) Anyway, this will be the last post for a while cause I will be chillin with family and won't have much time for this blog business, and I have a dial-up connection at home so that makes posting these things a pain. Hope you all have a wonderful break and a blessed Triduum weekend. Praise God........PeAcE
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