Sunday, July 16, 2006

Soo it's been a really long time since I've blogged for real and I'm sorry that it has been such a thorn in so many people's sides (ie anna's) but now Im gonna attempt to blog about something important and useful.

So I have graduated. I miss being a student already. Not really. Im loving the freedom. I am loving the feeling of summer break especially since I am not going back in september. Hopefully I am productive after I finish doing GSA. Oh yea, GSA is a program on campus at middle earth that is kind of a summer camp/summer school for 5th-8th graders that are considered "gifted". Most are not though. They aren't dumb necessarily but they aren't as smart or nice as my little sisters and brother and they aren't considered "gifted". I think the size of their parents' checkbooks is more telling of how gifted they are. Im kinda kidding. I like working there. The people are cool and the kids are also. Most of the time. Even this last week when we had a batch of kids that I thought would be a lot of trouble, they ended up being really nice to me at the end. So yea that's been consuming my time in case you were wondering why I am MIA all the time now. I wish they hadn't messed up my paperwork cause then I would be getting paid last wednesday, but instead I need to wait another 2 weeks. boooo.
I went to mass this morning with dean and his parents, his sister and brother, and even his uncle. Just kidding it was just some indian people that we were looking and laughing at (I mean nothing bad against indian people, but if you know dean you would be laughing right now). I wish it would cool down. It says it's 86 degrees outside in deans car but I think its more like 106. It's that damn humidity. Ugh.
I wish I could be at interfaith more. Even if only once a week for sunday mass would be awesome, but I have gsa. It has really made my life harder. Like honestly it's hard for me to be as focused spiritually without interfaith as a place to go to. without it as my community anchor and home to go to. it's been difficult but hopefully with prayer I will experience Him in new ways outside of my comfort zone.
I am excited for upcoming things. Like being out of a job in august. Me and kirs discussed how excited does not have to be positive. So I AM excited, but I am scared also. More scared than excited. but things will work themselves out so it's ok. I know Im qualified for SOMETHING out there. Finding it is the hard part hahaha. Ok I saw this on meechy's blog and Im going to cheat and finish my blog with this because I need to pack for gsa, but yea it's been fun blogging. I should do it more huh anna? ok here we go

Honestly, whats on your mind?
The heat and how I can't get it out of my mind because it's surrounding me.

Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Living, blogging, chatting,

Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
This wife-beater accentuates my best attribute...all of Me.

Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Um I don't think so, but I think I'm becoming a worse person in general so my standards are going down.

Honestly, do you watch disney channel?
sorry anna but no. I have tried to sit through different shows and have never even found it amusing, let alone entertaining.

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Yes I am.

Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Most of the time good weather with good people with good food makes me happy, but I tend to enjoy each of those separately also.

Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Yea it's still a major vice of mine.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
I want to see most of my family. Especially the ones I haven't seen in a while, like Matt in the seminary, Micaela in Alta Dena and her husband Kevin and my niece, as well as Luke and his wife Vanessa in Germany

Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
I have something that I've only told my brother Eli. Don't bother asking.

Honestly, when is the last time you have been to taco bell?
Wow, a long time ago thankfully. That place is bad for you. I want to say more than 4 months ago.

Honestly, are you loyal?
Depends on what it is I guess, but I tend to be fiercely loyal.

Honestly, are you in denial?
I am about so many things.

Honestly, where would you rather be right now?
Somewhere cooler.

Honestly, do you like someone?
Eh, if I said I didn't you wouldn't believe me, and if I said I did, you would ask who so either answer makes me pissy. So I'll refrain.

Honestly, what was the last thing someone said to you?
(online) "Was it just the 4 of you?"-meechy
(in person) "peace"-dean

honestly, what did you say to them?
(to meechy) "nah there were some dorm friends too"
(to dean) "peace"

Honestly, do you kiss and tell?

ok kids it's been fun. Peace out y'all


At 6:04 PM , Blogger anna liza said...

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At 6:05 PM , Blogger anna liza said...

haha this is a long overdue comment but GOOD JOB ON BLOGGING! and p.s. only cool people watch the disney channel!


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